
ELLPfundingbenchmarkpoints.Thetableshowsthethresholdforfunding,basedontotalELLPassessmentscores.Notethatthethresholdvariesacrossthe ...,2022年1月17日—...matrices.Recordthestudent'sachievementonthematricesbyusingahighlighter(penorelectronically)toshowwhichdescriptorsineach ...,ELLPMatrices.ELLPMatrices(PDF112KB).Home·Sitemap·Aboutthissite·ContactESOL.Footer:TKI-TeKeteIpurangi.,2022年5月19日—The...

The oral language matrix

ELLP funding benchmark points. The table shows the threshold for funding, based on total ELLP assessment scores. Note that the threshold varies across the ...


2022年1月17日 — ... matrices. Record the student's achievement on the matrices by using a highlighter (pen or electronically) to show which descriptors in each ...

ELLP Matrices

ELLP Matrices. ELLP Matrices (PDF 112KB). Home · Sitemap · About this site · Contact ESOL. Footer: TKI - Te Kete Ipurangi.

Completing the ELLP matrices

2022年5月19日 — The ELLP matrices allow teachers to make judgments across a range of contexts, text-types and ages. The matrices look at a comprehensive ...


All ELL students have a digital ELLP record on eTAP. These matrices are used to assess, track and plan for ELL students. Indicators are highlighted when the ...

The English Language Learning Progressions (ELLP )

由 J Anthony 著作 · 被引用 1 次 — to the use of existing ELLP matrices. Specifically, schools are still required to complete the original ELLP matrices for funding (Ministry of Education,.

Help with the ELLP

This workshop will be beneficial to all teachers who have ELLs in their classrooms as they complete the ELLP matrices for the end of year assessment. She ...

ELLP Matrices (PDF 453KB) - ESOL

2014年12月30日 — ELLP Matrices (PDF 453KB) - ESOL - Literacy Online.

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
